Cryptocurrency in the Light ✨☀️💫

Tom Goddard
4 min readMay 23, 2021
Image of DOGE gold necklace by BEN BALLER.

Cryptocurrency is in the spotlight for many good reasons. Let’s look at the tech, and ignore the markets for now.

NFTs (nOn-fUngible t0k3nz) 💸

Tracking ownership is critical. Apps like Hellosign and Docusign are prime examples of digital solutions to classical problems. You can also use an app notary now to sign documents. In addition, traditional media such as newspaper, film, classifieds, TV, music, and art all provide opportunities to digitize the ownership chain (think DRM for the people). This is happening now, and it’s only becoming more popular by the day. For example, Beeple’s piece sold for $69M. This is only the beginning. Soon, real estate, vehicles, and more will live on a blockchain app, one much like, or

Images of DOGE collectible & container home.

Apps 📱

Decentralized apps are not dissimilar to the apps we commonly download from the App Store. The main difference is where you download them from. The web opened up the ability to create clients and servers anywhere. However, it also spawned monopolies like Amazon. With decentralized apps, we can all be part of the app hosting, while providing different experiences for each product. Classify App is built to harness this decentralized software architecture by enabling users to create a list that can be shared across blockchains; hence, across apps. Neutrino Labs owns a number of brands in the app space, some for ticketing (, sports gambling (,,, real estate (,,, marketplaces (,,, automotive (,,, AI/AR (,, health (, retail (, financial (,,,, and digital ownership such as These are just a few of the brands and apps that we are developing on top of the Neutrinos Framework and our own blockchain developed with Polkadot and Moonbeam.

These apps share data such as content, users, metadata, permissions, roles, code, and communicate in a novel way. We distribute data both on-chain, and off-chain through notifications and the shared ledger — leveraging cross-chain technology like bridges and relays to transfer deeds, ownership, and value of assets created on each platform. Sharing content is not dissimilar to today’s apps.

For a comprehensive list, take a look at Neutrinos App.
Image of with DOGE and rocket to the moon.

Blockchain ⛓

Interoperability and connecting distributed systems has a long history of bloated solutions, many without consideration for the content that they are serving. With blockchain, apps are connecting the content and the metadata between distributors, marketplaces, and apps. This comes as an intrinsic part of the ledger, which is open, immutable, and encrypted, but coupled loosely to the method by which data is created. The decentralized nature ensures that data is made available by active participants of the global community.

Image of man pouring large olive oil bottle on salad that says “DOGECOIN, ME, and A NORMAL CONVERSATION”.

Now the Money Part 🪙

Markets are always fluctuating. But in modern markets, there are large institutional investors who are competing to accumulate as much value as possible. They do this by buying at every dip, oftentimes using large volume to cause more dips to force retail investors to panic sell, and then buying Paper Hands McGees coins for cheaper. Institutions will stop at nothing to capture the market and dominate the ownership control, which enables them to mark up the price and sell back to the retail investors who exited at a higher price, or are just entering the market. This process is very well documented in the Wycoff method and Wycoff Schematics. It’s definitely worth reading the white paper several times.

Images of market cap of Crypto, doge coin price at .35 cents as trading range in Kraken app, and Monty Python meme of knight with arrow in helmet after analyzing charts and Elon Musk tweeting.

Much Currency 💴

We are in the midst of a major selloff, which I attribute to the end of monetary moratoriums in June, but also China’s ban on Bitcoin mining. But we are amidst some very heavy accumulating by the largest market participants in the game. We will soon see the markup on prices in crypto resume, good news influx, and more money pass hands💰. Of course, this is speculation, but what else do humans do but make predictions that produce the best outcome for them and their interests? So Do Only Good Everyday and #DOGE calmly. ✨🚀 and hodl until you understand the Wycoff Schematics 😅

Image of moon and gold bracelet that says “I AM RESILIENT”



Tom Goddard

CEO & Founder at Neutrino Labs, Inc.